Description of environmental, occupational health and safety and climate change policies

At the basis of these policies are the identification and keeping under control of the environmental aspects and the risks associated with all the activities carried out in the organization, to ensure compliance with the legal requirements and with other applicable requirements to which the organization subscribes, to prevent pollution and work accidents, to occupational diseases, but also respecting the right of the interested parties to live in an unpolluted environment.

The research and development activity is the main means of reducing the impact on the environment in the future, by introducing energy-efficient and less polluting manufacturing technologies, as well as launching new products with reduced impact on the environment during their use. Among the new products we mention the fast charging stations for electric cars.

Electromagnetica adopts the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 on Taxonomy

EU taxonomy (Regulation (EU) 2020/852[4]) establishes a unified understanding of environmentally sustainable economic activities in the EU, through a system for classifying sustainable activities and establishing performance thresholds, represented by the technical examination criteria for six environmental objectives: (i) mitigating climate change;

(ii) adaptation to climate change; (iii) sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources; (iv) the transition to a circular economy; (v) pollution prevention and control; (vi) protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems.

At the same time, economic activity is considered environmentally sustainable if it does not significantly harm any of these environmental objectives. This system enables European financial institutions and companies to improve the sustainability of their activities and align with the transition to sustainable activities.

Specifically, in terms of Taxonomy, the company focused on:

  • sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources.
  • pollution prevention and control;
  • protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems.

Electromagnetica owns 10 microhydropower plants in Suceava county, on the Suceava and Brodina rivers, with a total installed power of 5,467 MW. There is a permanent concern for the protection of the environment by complying with all legal regulations (e.g. compliance with the servitude flow to protect the water course and the fish population). Also, the power plants are automated and there are intelligent video systems that signal any problem related to blocking the water course (eg fallen logs in case of floods), which allows the intervention teams to act in a maximum of 2 hours.

Bank protection programs were carried out to protect the erosion and damage to the access roads.

Regarding the activity at the main office in Bucharest, the company has its own water sources, using less than 7% of the water from the Apa Nova network. The waste water is carefully monitored through analyzes performed monthly by an authorized company. For drinking water, bacteriological and physico-chemical analyzes are carried out quarterly by DSP. Analysis reports are issued for all analyses.

Within the company, a space of 2000 square meters was transformed from a storage space into an island of greenery, planting lawns and trees.

Part of Electromagnetica’s activity is oriented towards energy-efficient equipment (LED lighting fixtures) as well as the production and installation of electric charging stations, which stimulates the increase in the number of electric vehicles at the expense of conventional fuel vehicles. Right at the Electromagnetica headquarters, we have installed over 57 charging stations both for employees and tenants as well as for third-party companies.

We require our staff, contractors and suppliers to actively participate in the achievement of our Quality of Operations, Occupational Health and Safety and Environment objectives by implementing all relevant regulations and programs adopted.

The company has all the legal environmental authorizations necessary to carry out the activity. The issuer does not carry out activities with a significant impact on the environment and has no disputes regarding the violation of the legislation on the protection of the environment.

Between January and March 2022, the Annual Reports on:

  • the management of waste generated in Electromagnetica SA in 2021;
  • the centralizer of dangerous chemical substances and preparations used in society in 2021;
  • the centralizer of the packaging introduced on the market by the company in 2021;
  • the analysis bulletins for the “waste water” environmental factor in 2021;
  • the inventory of gas emissions and immissions in the atmosphere in 2021.


In the course of 2022, the reports and analysis bulletins for the wastewater resulting from the company’s activity were sent to the competent authorities that monitor the environmental factors of Electromagnetica SA, namely Romanian Waters and Apa Nova.

Quarterly monitoring of drinking water was ensured by carrying out analyzes at the Directorate of Health of the Municipality of Bucharest. Wastewater analyzes were performed monthly, based on the contract concluded with S.C. BIOSOL PSI S.R.L. – It’s raining. For this purpose, waste water samples were taken from the five waste water discharge connections to the city sewer. The analyzed pollutant concentration values ​​were below the admissible limit values ​​provided in HG 188/2002 annex 2 (NTPA 002/ 2002).

Disinfections of the own water sources, respectively of the three medium-depth boreholes and the water storage basin, were carried out quarterly. The disinfection was carried out according to the provisions of the POM – 03 procedure “Disinfection of own water sources, storage basins and verification of potability of water”.


In order to comply with the provisions of Law no. 211/2011 regarding the waste regime, amended by O.U.G no. 68/2016, H.G. 1292/2010 for the amendment and completion of H.G. 349/2005 regarding the storage of waste, GD 1061/2008 regarding the transportation of hazardous and non-hazardous waste on the territory of Romania, O.U.G no. 5/2015 regarding electrical and electronic equipment waste, HG 235/2007 regarding the management of used oils, the following were undertaken:

– the waste resulting from the production was handed over rhythmically in order to avoid the formation of stocks, to authorized economic agents;

– hazardous waste and used oil were handed over on the basis of the contract. with the company RIAN CONSULT SRL;

– the compliance program with the legal requirements imposed by Law 211/2011 was drawn up;

– the person responsible for waste management is designated by decision, who is trained according to the legislation in force;

– the reanalysis and classification of hazardous waste generated in Electromagnetica SA was carried out, for which the characterization must be carried out according to law 211/2011;

– the Plan for the prevention of waste generation was drawn up.


Emissions and immissions air analyzes were carried out every six months, based on the contract with SC TEDNOVA SRL.

The company’s policy in this area aims to:

  • minimizing the amount of waste generated and managing it in safe conditions when its occurrence cannot be avoided;
    reducing the consumption of natural resources;
  • reducing the impact on the environment associated with the company’s activities and products, present and future, by gradually replacing some technologies and some raw materials with others that have a reduced environmental impact;
  • the design and development of ecological and economic products that during their lifetime reduce the consumers’ footprint on the environment;
    the exercise upstream and downstream, on the chain of supply of raw materials and sales of products, of a positive influence regarding sustainable and sustainable development;
  • preventing the emergence of emergency situations with an impact on the environment and occupational health and safety, by establishing and applying coherent and effective measures to prevent major accidents involving dangerous substances;
  • adopting a preventive behavior towards environmental pollution in order to continuously improve environmental performance;
  • ensuring an optimal working environment for employees in order to preserve, primarily through preventive activities, the health and safety of employees;
    the continuous supervision of the employees’ state of health and the undertaking of actions to improve their health and to prevent occupational accidents and illnesses;

In the field of environmental protection and OSH, the following risks were identified:

Risks with a high initial impact (in the hypothetical case of the occurrence of the risk, they would have a significant impact). This category includes: emergency situations with an impact on the environment and OSH; lack of measures to prevent and monitor cases of infection with the SARS-Cov-2 virus, waste management in unsafe conditions; the development of products with a large footprint on the environment during the period of use; non-preventive behavior and increasing the impact on the environment through equipment wear.

Risks with medium initial impact (in the hypothetical case of the risk occurring, they would have a moderate impact). this category includes: the unjustified increase in the consumption of natural resources; the lack of measures to supervise the health of employees, to prevent occupational accidents and illnesses; in the event of the realization of these risks, the company would suffer by restricting access to the market of polluting products, increasing customer dissatisfaction, increasing production costs, applying sanctions for violating environmental regulations, jeopardizing the health and safety of employees and interested parties, restricting the ability to production by reducing the number of able-bodied employees.

Environmental and OSH risks have been kept at a low level by the implementation and compliance of waste management procedures, the implementation and compliance of procedures for emergency situations, the re-technology of production, the testing of new products, their standardization and optimization, the maintenance of a medical office of undertaking and carrying out periodic specific medical analyses.

With regard to the risk related to the SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19) virus, sustained efforts have been made to prevent infections, applying preventive and access control measures: temperature monitoring at the entrance, repeated disinfection of spaces during the day, installation of dispensers of antibacterial gels at the main access doors, the training of employees as well as the shift in the schedule. At the same time, where the activity allowed it, it was switched, by rotation, to the telework regime.

In the case of cases of infection with the SARS-COV 2 virus or even the suspicion of the existence of such a possibility among employees, epidemiological investigations were carried out and, at the company’s expense, extensive testing of the respective employees or colleagues of the infected persons was carried out. Thus, during the year 2022, more than 60 PCR tests were performed.

The main key performance indicators in the field of environmental protection and OSH achieved in 2022 were:

  • The LED lighting fixtures sold during the reporting period save electricity by at least 50% compared to the traditional ones they replace.
  • The electric energy sold through the charging stations of 854,935.65 kWh/year 2022 replaces (for the same distance traveled) at an average and constant consumption, approximately 260,000 liters of conventional fuels.
  • The results of the waste water test were compliant.
  • There were no new cases of occupational diseases, events with a major impact on the environment or incidents with major effects on the health and safety of people.
  • The conducted audits did not find non-conformities.