The sustainability and sustainable development strategy of ELECTROMAGNETICA SA takes into account the fact that Romania joined the leaders of the 193 UN member states at the Development Summit in September 2015 by adopting Agenda 2030 for sustainable development, a global action program in the field of development with a universal character and which promotes the balance between the three dimensions of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental.

For the first time, the actions are equally aimed at developed and developing states.

Agenda 2030 includes the 17 Sustainable Development Objectives(ODD),gathered informally and under the name of Global Objectives. Through the Global Objectives, an ambitious action agenda is established for the next 15 years with a view to eradicating extreme poverty, combating inequalities and injustice and protecting the planet by 2030.

ELECTROMAGNETICA SA aims, through the activities carried out – including the technologies used, the human resource involved, but also the quality and environmental standards we respect -, as well as through the products offered to our customers, our continued growth of our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals and to the UN Global Compact Principles.

In the vision of ELECTROMAGNETICA SA, sustainability is achieved separately, for each of the three pillars : economic, social and environmental.

The sustainable and sustainable development area is represented by the intersection between the three pillars

In our view, which corresponds to the European and world view, sustainability and sustainable development can only be obtained through an optimal mix between the three elementseconomic, social and environmental -, our strategy being to maintains the balance between them, in the sense that it is not advantageous in the long term to develop only one of the three pillars, but all, to the same extent, as possible.